
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>110 GHz宽带同轴S参数标准装置设计

110 GHz宽带同轴S参数标准装置设计

407    2024-07-25




作者单位:成都天奥技术发展有限公司,四川 成都 610036



110 GHz宽带同轴S参数标准装置目前在国内尚无成熟产品,该文旨在实现对同轴S参数标准装置的设计。采用的设计方法为解析算法和有限元仿真的结合。解析方法由阻抗与反射系数的递推公式推导而来,并利用Matlab软件进行算法实现,其特点为运算快速但准确度欠佳;有限元仿真利用HFSS实现,其特点为消耗资源较多但建模和计算的准确度较高。通过解析方法对关键参数进行设计后在通过有限元仿真考虑产品细节带来的影响,二者的结合实现兼具快速且准确的设计。完成样品生产加工后使用网络分析仪对样品进行测试,测试结果与设计结果能较好吻合,验证设计方法的有效性。

Design of 110 GHz broadband coaxial S-parameter standard device
LIN Yefei
Company of SpaceOn Technology Development Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610036, China
Abstract: There is no mature 110 GHz broadband coaxial S parameter standard in China. This paper aims to realize the design of the standard. The method is to combine analytical algorithm and FEM simulation. The analytical method is derived from the recursion formula of impedance and reflection coefficient and is implemented by Matlab, which is fast but with lower accuracy; The FEM simulation is realized by HFSS, which is more resource consumed but with higher accuracy of modeling and calculation. After the key parameters are designed by analytical method, the influence of details is considered by FEM simulation. The combination of the two methods realizes both rapid and accurate design. A sample was tested by VNA after is was produced. The test results were in good agreement with the design results, which verified the effectiveness of the design method.
Keywords: S-parameter;analytical method;FEM simulation
2024, 50(7):131-137  收稿日期: 2022-12-05;收到修改稿日期: 2023-03-25
作者简介: 林也非(1989-),男,广东汕头市人,工程师,硕士,主要研究方向为电磁场与微波技术、计量科学技术、应用电子测试技术、仪器与测试技术等。
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