
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>凯芙拉纤维分子芳环基团结构及热变性研究


229    2024-07-25



作者:杜林楠, 李佳欣, 吴梦谣, 孟露, 于宏伟

作者单位:石家庄学院化工学院,河北 石家庄 050035



为探究凯芙拉纤维分子中芳环基团的结构与热变性,通过一维中红外(MIR)光谱、一维变温中红外(TD-MIR)光谱、二维中红外(2D-MIR)光谱开展凯芙拉纤维分子结构,以及凯芙拉纤维分子芳环基团热变性的研究。结果表明:凯芙拉纤维分子的红外吸收模式主要包括:νNHνamide-Ⅰνamide-Ⅱνamide-Ⅲνamide-Ⅴνamide-ⅥνC=CβC-HγC-H;在303~573 K的温度范围内,随着测定温度的升高,芳环基团(νC=C-一维βC-H-一维γC-H-一维)对应的红外吸收频率发生明显的红移,而相应的吸收强度进一步增加;在303~373 K、383~473 K和483~573 K三个温度区间,芳环基团(νC=C-二维βC-H-二维γC-H-二维)对热的敏感程度及官能团变化快慢顺序都存在着较大的差异性。该项研究拓展了三级MIR光谱在重要的高分子纺织材料(凯芙拉纤维)芳环基团结构及热变性的研究范围。

Study of Kevlar fibre molecular aromatic ring group structure and thermal denaturation
DU Linnan, LI Jiaxin, WU Mengyao, MENG Lu, YU Hongwei
College of Chemical Technology, Shijiazhuang University, Shijiazhuang 050035, China
Abstract: In order to study the structure and thermal denaturation of aromatic ring group in Kevlar fibre, one dimensional middle infrared (MIR) spectroscopy, one dimensional temperature-dependent middle infrared (TD-MIR) spectroscopy and two dimensional middle infrared (2D-MIR) spectroscopy were used to investigate the Kevlar fibre molecule structure and thermal denaturation of Kevlar fibre molecule aromatic ring group. The results show that infrared absorption modes of Kevlar fibre molecule included νNH, νamide-Ⅰ, νamide-Ⅱ, νamide-Ⅲ, νamide-Ⅴ, νamide-Ⅵ, νC=C, βC-H and γC-H. With the increase of the temperature, the corresponding molecule aromatic ring group (including νC=C-one dimensinal, βC-H-one dimensinal and γC-H-one dimensinal) frequency had a significant red shift, and the corresponding absorption intensity further increased in the temperature range of 303 K to 573 K. In the 303 K-373 K, 383 K-473 K and 483 K-573 K temperature ranges, the main functional groups of aromatic ring group (including νC=C-two dimensional, βC-H-two dimensional and γC-H-two dimensional) showed different sensitivities and orders to the heat, and the mechanism was studied furthermore. The paper demonstrated the key roles of three-step MIR spectroscopy in the analysis of structure and thermal denaturation of the important polymer textile materials (kevlar fibre) aromatic ring group structure and thermal denaturation.
Keywords: Kevlar fibre;middle infrared spectroscopy;temperature-dependent middle infrared spectroscopy;two dimensional middle infrared spectroscopy;thermal denaturation
2024, 50(7):78-84  收稿日期: 2022-08-12;收到修改稿日期: 2022-10-07
基金项目: 河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目(Z2020113);石家庄市科学技术研究与发展计划(201490612)
作者简介: 杜林楠(1990-),女,河北石家庄市人,讲师,硕士,研究方向为精细化工。
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