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基于注意力机制的CNN-ILSTM地铁站PM2.5 预测建模

410    2024-07-25



作者:朱菊香1, 谷卫2, 罗丹悦2, 潘斐2, 张赵良1

作者单位:1. 无锡学院轨道交通,江苏 无锡 214105;
2. 南京信息工程大学自动化学院,江苏 南京 210000




Prediction modeling of PM2.5 in subway station based on attention mechanism and CNN-ILSTM
ZHU Juxiang1, GU Wei2, LUO Danyue2, PAN Fei2, ZHANG Zhaoliang1
1. Rail Transit, Wuxi University, Wuxi 214105, China;
2. School of Automation, Nanjing University of Information Technology, Nanjing 210000, China
Abstract: In order to improve the prediction accuracy of PM2.5, a combined prediction model based on convolutional neural network (CNN), improved long short-term memory network (ILSTM) and attention mechanism was proposed. ILSTM removes the output gate in LSTM, improves its input gate and forget gate, and introduces a transition information module (CIM) to prevent oversaturation during learning. One-dimensional convolutional neural network models of feature extraction and the ability to improve both short-term and long-term memory network learning sequence dependent state of different time of the past, the combination of characteristics of PM2.5 concentrations in the future, can effectively simulate the PM2.5 dependent on time and space, and through the attention mechanism automatic weighing the characteristics of the state in the past, to further improve the accuracy of PM2.5 prediction. The experimental results show that the fitting degree of CNN-ILSTM-attention model reaches 98.5%, which is improved by 26%, 9.2% and 6.2%, respectively, compared with LSTM model, CNN-LSTM model and CNN-ILSTM model. It has high prediction accuracy and application value.
Keywords: convolutional neural network;improved long short-term memory network;PM2.5 concentration prediction;attention mechanism
2024, 50(7):53-62  收稿日期: 2022-07-05;收到修改稿日期: 2022-09-11
基金项目: 国家自然科学青年基金(51206082);江苏省自然科学基金(be2015692);江苏省高等学校自然科学研究项目(21KJB460005)
作者简介: 朱菊香(1979-),女,江苏常州市人,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为自动化及控制技术、检测技术。
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