
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>电站烟囱腐蚀的智能化检测与分析方法研究


734    2023-04-20



作者:许俊1, 成丽波1, 邓涛1, 牛嘉兴1, 郭锡文2, 李林峰2, 谢曦3

作者单位:1. 国家能源集团宝庆发电有限公司,湖南 邵阳 422000;
2. 湖南中电智航科技有限公司,湖南 长沙 410000;
3. 国网湘西供电公司输电检修公司,湖南 吉首 422000



烟囱腐蚀的监测工作变得日益重要,传统的烟囱腐蚀监测方法不但需要大量人力与经济成本,还存在严重的安全隐患。因此该文提出将红外技术应用到烟囱腐蚀检测中,利用无损检测技术得到烟囱外壁的红外热像温度分布图,结合传热学理论推导烟囱内衬失效下外壁的临界温度计算公式,依据临界温度判断烟囱内壁的腐蚀类型与腐蚀程度。进一步提出缺陷深度的理论计算模型,以辅助烟囱腐蚀情况的判断。通过相应的试验研究与实际应用实践来分析红外检测烟囱腐蚀的规律、验证所提理论方法的可行性。结果表明:所提方法对于最大深度为4 cm、最大面积为20 cm×20 cm的缺陷具有良好的辨识度,该文所提出的理论和方法具有可行性和准确性。

Research on intelligent detection and analysis method of power station chimney corrosion
XU Jun1, CHENG Libo1, DENG Tao1, NIU Jiaxing1, GUO Xiwen2, LI Linfeng2, XIE Xi3
1. National Energy Group Baoqing Power Generation Co., Ltd., Shaoyang 422000, China;
2. Hunan Zhongdian Zhihang Technology Co., Ltd., Changsha 410000, China;
3. Power Transmission Maintenance Company of State Grid Xiangxi Power Supply Company, Jishou 422000, China
Abstract: The monitoring of chimney corrosion has become increasingly important. The traditional monitoring method of chimney corrosion not only requires a lot of manpower and economic costs, but also has serious potential safety hazards. Therefore, this paper proposes to apply infrared technology to the corrosion detection of chimneys, obtain the infrared thermal image temperature distribution map of the outer wall of chimneys using nondestructive testing technology, and deduce the calculation formula of the critical temperature of the outer wall under the failure of the chimney lining in combination with the heat transfer theory, and judge the corrosion type and degree of the inner wall of chimneys according to the critical temperature. Furthermore, a theoretical calculation model of the defect depth is proposed to assist the judgment of the chimney corrosion. Through the corresponding experimental research and practical application, the law of infrared detection of chimney corrosion is analyzed, and the feasibility of the proposed theoretical method is verified. The results show that, the proposed method is suitable for a maximum depth of 4 cm and a maximum area of 20 cm×20 cm defect with good identification. The theory and method proposed in this paper are feasible and accurate.
Keywords: power station chimney corrosion: corrosion mechanism;intelligent detection and analysis;critical temperature model of outer wall
2023, 49(4):45-51  收稿日期: 2022-10-27;收到修改稿日期: 2023-01-18
作者简介: 许俊(1984-),男,湖南邵阳市人,高级工程师,研究方向为建构筑物的管理与研究
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