
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>北斗共视比对技术频率校准系统设计与应用


899    2023-03-23



作者:朱长春1, 安平2, 任子龙3, 曾亮4

作者单位:1. 陕西省计量科学研究院,陕西 西安 710082;
2. 中国合格评定国家认可中心,北京 100062;
3. 中国空空导弹研究院,河南 洛阳 471009;
4. 北京无线电计量测试研究所,北京 100005




Design and application of frequency calibration system with the technology of Beidou common-view comparison
ZHU Changchun1, AN Ping2, REN Zilong3, ZENG Liang4
1. Shaanxi Institute of Metrology Science, Xi’an 710082, China;
2. China National Accereditation Service for Conformity Accessment, Beijing 100062, China;
3. China Airborne Missile Academy, Luoyang 471009, China;
4. Beijing Institute of Radio Metrology and Testing, Beijing 100005, China
Abstract: Based on the research of the frequency calibration technology of Beidou multi-channel common view comparison, this paper develops the multi-channel Beidou common view receiver, and completes the system design and hardware system construction. In order to reduce the calculation error caused by different satellite elevation and azimuth angles, Kalman filtering and moving average method were used for data analysis. Zero baseline and long-distance comparison tests are carried out to analyze and summarize the accuracy and stability of the common view comparison system, so as to promote the popularization and use of the Beidou system in metrological verification and calibration, which has certain reference value.
Keywords: Beidou multi-channel common-view comparison;frequency calibration;RDSS;RNSS
2023, 49(3):104-108  收稿日期: 2021-08-13;收到修改稿日期: 2021-10-24
作者简介: 朱长春(1965-),男,陕西西安市人,高级工程师,硕士,长期从事时间频率计量校准及计量管理工作
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