
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>搓板温度对三乙酸甘油酯赋香滤棒卷烟感官质量的影响研究


940    2023-03-23



作者:李超1, 刘劲芸2, 李娥贤3, 蔡洁云4, 吴亿勤1, 胡燕1, 王庆华1

作者单位:1. 云南中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,云南 昆明 650024;
2. 云南中烟新材料科技有限公司,云南 昆明 650106;
3. 云南省农业科学研究院生物技术与种质资源研究所,云南 昆明 650201;
4. 云南省烟草质量监督检测站,云南 昆明 650104



该文研究不同搓板温度对不同批次赋香卷烟感官评吸结果的影响。并采用静态顶空-GC/MS联用法,自动控制系统采集数据,氘代甲苯为内标物,通过NIST谱库检索进行定性、定量分析,对C、D两批次赋香卷烟样品中的致香成分进行分析。结果表明:在不同搓板温度下,两批次赋香卷烟评吸结果存在一定差异;赋香卷烟中8个主要致香成分均有明显区别,170 ℃对赋香卷烟香味的保留以及杂气的降低最有利。当搓板温度为170 ℃时,C、D两个批次赋香卷烟共检测出了55种致香物质,其中C批次含45种,D批次含46种;D批次中的致香成分相对总含量高于C批次中的致香物质相对总量。该研究可为赋香卷烟生产工艺过程中搓板温度的控制提供一定依据。

The effect of washboard temperature on the sensory quality of glycerol triacetate-flavored filter stick cigarettes
LI Chao1, LIU Jinyun2, LI Exian3, CAI Jieyun4, WU Yiqin1, HU Yan1, WANG Qinghua1
1. Technology Center of China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co., Ltd., Kunming 650024, China;
2. Yunnan Industrial Tobacco HI-TECH Material Co., Ltd., Kunming 650106, China;
3. Institute of Biotechnology and Germplasm Resources, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650201, China;
4. Yunnan Tobacco Quality Supervision and Test Station, Kunming 650104, China
Abstract: This paper studied the effect of different washboard temperature on the sensory evaluation results of different batches of flavored cigarettes and a static headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC/MS) method was established. The deuterated toluene was used as internal standard. Qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by NIST spectrum database retrieval. The effects of different washboard temperatures on the sensory evaluation results and aroma components of different batches of aromatic cigarettes were studied. The results showed that there were some differences between the two batches of aromatic cigarettes. A total of 55 kinds of aromatic substances were detected in batches C and D, among which there were 45 kinds in batches C and 46 kinds in batches D. The content and quantity of aromatic substances in batches C and D were different, which was the reason for the difference in aroma of scented cigarettes. At different washboard temperatures, there were some differences in the evaluation results between the two batches of scented cigarettes. There were obvious differences in the eight main aroma components of aromatic cigarettes. 170 ℃ was the most favorable for the retention of aroma and the reduction of impurities in aromatic cigarettes. This study can provide some basis for the control of washboard temperature in the process of aromatic cigarette production.
Keywords: temperature of the washboard;aroma components;sensory evaluation
2023, 49(3):72-78  收稿日期: 2021-03-07;收到修改稿日期: 2021-05-13
基金项目: 云南中烟重点科技项目(2019JC01)
作者简介: 李超(1985-),男,云南昆明市人,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事烟草化学、化学计量学研究
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