
首页> 数字期刊群 >本期导读>交流量子电阻传递电桥的研制


926    2022-12-10



作者:黄晓钉1, 王忠伟1, 蔡建臻1, 佟亚珍1, 王宁2, 虞娇兰1

作者单位:1. 北京东方计量测试研究所,北京 100086;
2. 中国合格评定国家认可中心,北京 100062




Development of AC quantum Hall resistance transfer bridge
HUANG Xiaoding1, WANG Zhongwei1, CAI Jianzhen1, TONG Yazhen1, WANG Ning2, YU Jiaolan1
1. Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement and Test, Beijing 100086, China;
2. National Accreditation Institute of Conformity Assessment, Beijing 100062, China
Abstract: International system of units requires that impedance should be traceable to quantum Hall resistance. However, transferring AC quantum Hall resistance to standard resistance is one of the main difficulties, motivating to develop an AC impedance bridge with a relative uncertainty of a few parts in 108. The current accuracy of AC impedance bridge can only reach relative accuracy on a scale from 10–4 to 10–5, while four terminal pair coaxial impedance bridge can theoretically achieve an accuracy of the order of 10–8. But it’ s structure is complex and requires multiple balances. At the same time, the problem of single frequency also needs to be taken into consideration. In view of the above deficiencies, two solutions are proposed, one is isolating the power supply of injection inductive voltage divider and another is making imaginary part compensation input ratio adjustable. As a result, the four terminal pair coaxial impedance bridge used for transferring AC quantum Hall resistance has the ability to reach equilibrium rapidly and adapt to different frequencies. Besides, the calibration method and resistance with calculable AC/DC difference for overall validation are also given. After verification, the measurement uncertainty of the bridge reached relative accuracy of the order of a few parts in 108.
Keywords: metrology;AC quantum Hall effect;four terminal pair coaxial impedance bridge;resistance with calculable AC/DC difference;rapid convergence
2022, 48(11):138-144  收稿日期: 2022-03-28;收到修改稿日期: 2022-06-23
基金项目: 国防“十三五”重点课题(JSJL2016203C01)
作者简介: 黄晓钉(1964-),男,陕西西安市人,研究员,主要从事电磁学计量和量子计量技术的研究工作
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