
首页> 数字期刊群 >本期导读>基于试样重组技术的RPV钢断裂性能研究


1469    2022-09-24



作者:黄平1, 祁爽1, 吕云鹤2, 范敏郁1, 贾文清1, 钱王洁1, 蔡可信1, 张晏玮1, 彭群家1

作者单位:1. 苏州热工研究院有限公司,江苏 苏州 215004;
2. 生态环境部核与辐射安全中心,北京 100082



反应堆压力容器(reactor pressure vessel,RPV)的辐照脆化程度主要通过定期取出的辐照监督试样的试验结果进行评价,由于受辐照监督管空间的限制,监督样品的尺寸和数量非常有限,试样重组技术可高效率利用有限的辐照监督材料获取可靠的材料断裂韧性数据。该文针对反应堆压力容器原始态材料16MND5,开展基础力学性能测试,包含拉伸、冲击及断裂韧性,确定材料基本力学性能。在开展RPV材料断裂韧性试验时利用数字图像相关(digital image correlation,DIC)技术获取试验过程中试样表面应变演化规律和塑性区范围,基于ANASYS有限元分析软件计算加载过程中最大塑性区范围,有限元分析结果与试验结果较为吻合,为后续试样重组确定其可再次利用的材料范围。

Study on fracture properties of RPV material based on specimen reconstitution technology
HUANG Ping1, QI Shuang1, Lü Yunhe2, FAN Minyu1, JIA Wenqing1, QIAN Wangjie1, CAI Kexin1, ZHANG Yanwei1, PENG Qunjia1
1. Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute, Suzhou 215004, China;
2. Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, Beijing 100082, China
Abstract: The irradiation embrittlement degree of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) was mainly evaluated by the test results of irradiation surveillance specimens taken out regularly. Due to the limitation of irradiation surveillance capsules space, the size and quantity of surveillance specimens were limited. In consequence, the limited irradiation surveillance materials could be used efficiently by the specimen reconstitution technology to obtain reliable material fracture toughness data. In this paper, original RPV materials 16MND5 were subjected on tensile, impact and fracture toughness tests to investigate the basic mechanical properties. Meanwhile, the digital image correlation (DIC) technology was applied in fracture toughness tests to obtain the surface strain evolution law and plastic zone range of the compact tension specimen. In addition, for comparison with DIC results, the surface strain evolution law was also calculated based on the finite element analysis to the maximum plastic zone size during the loading process. The results indicated that the finite element analysis results were in good agreement with the test results, so as to determine the reusable material range for the specimen reconstitution technology. More important, the plastic zone range was limited and thus there were enough range for specimen reconstitution. The fracture toughness of reconstituted specimens should be equal to that of the specimens of original RPV materials, so the reconstituted specimens can be used to obtain the fracture toughness of the RPV materials, thus solving the practical engineering problem of insufficient surveillance specimens.
Keywords: irradiation surveillance specimens;reactor pressure vessel;specimen reconstitution technology;fracture toughness;digital image correlation;plastic zone
2022, 48(9):158-163  收稿日期: 2022-03-31;收到修改稿日期: 2022-04-30
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划资助(2020YFB1901500);国家自然科学基金(U1867215);江苏省政策引导类计划(BZ2020057)
作者简介: 黄平(1982-),男,江苏东台市人,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向为材料科学与工程/核电结构完整性评价
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