
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于缸套测温技术的柴油机早期拉缸故障诊断


991    2022-07-27



作者:卢浩宇1,2, 底柯1,2, 张函桥2, 刘浩2, 张茂胜2

作者单位:1. 船舶与海洋工程动力系统国家工程实验室,上海 201108;
2. 中国船舶集团公司第七一一研究所,上海 201108




Early fault diagnosis of diesel engine based on cylinder liner temperature measurement technology
LU Haoyu1,2, DI Ke1,2, ZHANG Hanqiao2, LIU Hao2, ZHANG Maosheng2
1. National Engineering Laboratory for Power Systems of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Shanghai 201108, China;
2. Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, Shanghai 201108, China
Abstract: In the long-term high frequency reciprocating motion of piston ring cylinder liner friction pair of diesel engine, the occurrence of scuffing fault will cause a sharp increase in the friction loss and damage the overall structural performance of disel engine. In order to study the early diagnosis technology of high-power diesel engine suffing fault, in this study, the temperature measurement technology of cylinder liner is introduced into the field of cylinder broaching fault diagnosis based on the mechanism of friction heat transfer. A long period on-line diagnosis and monitoring of cylinder failure is carried out on a single cylinder diesel engine test platform combined with reliability test. The results show that the main thermal parameters have little change in burst pressure, exhaust temperature increases slowly, and the temperature signal of cylinder liner suddenly rises obviously when cylinder failure occurs. When the cylinder failure is serious, the oil mist concentration will rise sharply at the same time. The response rate of cylinder liner temperature signal is higher than oil mist concentration monitoring method, which proves the high efficiency of cylinder liner temperature measurement technology for cylinder broaching fault diagnosis, and has a good promotion prospect and application value.
Keywords: marine diesel;scuffing;fault diagnosis;cylinder liner temperature.
2022, 48(7):53-59  收稿日期: 2021-01-25;收到修改稿日期: 2021-04-15
作者简介: 卢浩宇(1991-),男,安徽宿州市人,工程师,硕士,研究方向为发动机试验技术,故障诊断技术等
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