
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>超声断层扫描仪检测套筒灌浆饱满度的方法研究


1952    2021-08-25



作者:徐立斌1, 陈亦苏1, 朱国良1, 谢翔2, 黄巧玲1, 丁银仙1

作者单位:1. 贵州中建建筑科研设计院有限公司,贵州 贵阳 550006;
2. 中建科技集团有限公司贵州分公司,贵州 贵阳 550025



通过试验发现超声断层扫描仪的测试原理是反映一次扫描区域内高、低声速的区别,进而改变超声断层扫描仪的测试方向,将垂直于钢筋套筒改为平行、重叠于钢筋套筒的测试方向。对比2D成像图(B-scan图)可知,垂直方向的测试图像呈现为点状,饱满区与不饱满区容易误判;平行、重叠方向的测试图像呈现为条、带状,饱满区与不饱满区的区别明显,与预先埋设的不饱满区尺寸比较,误差在10 mm以内,可以定量判断。对比3D成像图可知,垂直方向的测试图像可以将套筒准确定位,平行、重叠方向的测试图像可以衡量套筒的饱满度,2D成像图(B-scan图)在测试效率、精度上明显优于3D成像图。

Study on the test method of sleeve grouting fullness with ultrasonic tomography
XU Libin1, CHEN Yisu1, ZHU Guoliang1, XIE Xiang2, HUANG Qiaoling1, DING Yinxian1
1. Guizhou Construction Science Research & Design Institute Limited Company of CSCEC, Guiyang 550006, China;
2. China Construction Science & Technology Group Co., Ltd., Guizhou Branch, Guiyang 550025, China
Abstract: This research founds that the testing principle of ultrasonic tomography scanner is to reflect the difference between high and low sound velocity in a measurement area. This experiment changes the test direction of ultrasonic tomography scanner from the one perpendicular to the steel bar sleeve to the one parallel to and overlapping the steel bar sleeve. Comparison of 2D imaging (B-scan) shows that, when the ultrasonic tomography scanner is perpendicular to the steel bar sleeve, the test images are in the form of dots, and the full area and the incomplete area are easy to be misjudged. Moreover, when the ultrasonic tomography scanner is parallel to and overlaps the steel bar sleeve, the test images appear as strips and bands, with obvious differences between the full area and the incomplete area. Compared with the size of pre-buried incomplete area, the error is within 10 mm, which can be quantitatively judged.In addition, by comparing the 3D imaging images, it can be seen that the vertical test images can accurately locate the sleeve, while the parallel and overlapping test images can measure the fullness of the sleeve, and the 2D imaging (B-scan) is significantly better than 3D imaging in terms of test efficiency and accuracy.
Keywords: ultrasonic;tomography;sleeve grouting;fullness
2021, 47(8):31-37  收稿日期: 2020-10-10;收到修改稿日期: 2020-11-26
基金项目: 中国建筑第四工程局有限公司2019年度科技课题(CSCEC4B-2019-KT-51);黔科合支撑[2018]2953;贵阳市装配式建筑示范城市奖补资金扶持项目(2016YFC0702102)
作者简介: 徐立斌(1980-),男,内蒙古包头市人,高级工程师,博士,研究方向为建材检测及研发
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