
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>T/R阵列自动测试系统去嵌入技术研究


1814    2021-07-27



作者:彭安虎1, 韩周安2, 李志强1

作者单位:1. 电子科技大学,四川 成都 610000;
2. 成都爱科特科技发展有限公司,四川 成都 610000



为解决T/R阵列自动测试系统的链路校准准确度和校准效率的难题,提出一种基于TRL(thru,reflect,line)校准技术的链路去嵌入方法,通过建立测试系统的误差模型,并获取测试系统对TRL标准件的测试结果,运用TRL校准算法解算出各个误差项,实现测试系统去嵌入的目的。设计TRL标准件,并在Matlab中实现去嵌入算法,运用该方法对含有嵌入网络的滤波器模型实现去嵌入。去嵌入结果表明:在去嵌入频段内,增益测量误差<0.2 dB,驻波比测量误差≤0.07,传输相位测量误差≤2°,去嵌入耗时不随T/R组件规模的增大而增加,证明该方法可以提升T/R阵列自动测试系统的校准准确度和校准效率。

Research on de-embedding technology of T / R array automatic test system
PENG Anhu1, HAN Zhouan2, LI Zhiqiang1
1. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610000, China;
2. Chengdu Alcott Technology Development Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610000, China
Abstract: In order to solve the problems of link calibration accuracy and calibration efficiency of the T/R array automatic test system, a link de-embedding method based on TRL calibration technology is proposed. By establish an error model of the test system, the test system can obtain the TRL standard parts test results, and use TRL calibration algorithm to solve each error term, to achieve the purpose of de-embedding the test system. The TRL standard parts are designed, and the de-embedding algorithm is implemented in Matlab. This method is used to de-embed the filter model with embedded network. De-embedding results show that: gain measurement error <0.2 dB, standing wave ratio measurement error ≤0.07, transmission phase measurement error ≤2°, the time for de-embedding does not increase with the increase of the size of the T/R component. The method can improve the calibration accuracy and efficiency of the T/R group array automatic test system.
Keywords: de-embedding;TRL calibration;T/R array automatic test system;calibration accuracy;calibration efficiency
2021, 47(7):92-98  收稿日期: 2020-07-01;收到修改稿日期: 2020-08-13
作者简介: 彭安虎(1996-),男,云南楚雄市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为移动与无线通信
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