
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>轨道修补用高性能硫铝酸盐基快速修补材料研究


1956    2021-05-28




作者单位:中铁十八局集团有限公司,天津 300222



为解决北方地区无砟轨道底座板在施工、服役过程中日益突出的局部损伤问题,通过宏微观相结合的手段,研制一种以硫铝酸盐水泥为基材,硅灰、胶粉、偏高岭土为辅料的高性能修补材料,结果表明,修补材料中硅灰、胶粉、偏高岭土的适宜掺量依次硫铝酸盐水泥质量的6%、0.8%、8%,制备的修补砂浆最大抗压强度达53.8 MPa,黏结强度可达5.2 MPa,冻融循环质量损失率为2.8%,SEM和X-CT的微观测试表明该快速修补料水化产物分布相对匀质,主要结晶相尺寸较小、结构致密、孔隙率低,应用于轨道底座缺陷修补效果好。该研究成果为同类工程的推广应用提供参考依据。

Research on high performance sulfoaluminate based rapid repair material for track repair
ZHANG Guangxing
China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300222, China
Abstract: To solve the increasingly prominent local damage problem of ballastless track base plate in the process of construction and service in northern China, a kind of high-performance repair material with sulphoaluminate cement as base material, silica fume, rubber powder and metakaolin as auxiliary materials was developed by means of macro micro combination. The results show that the appropriate content of silica fume, rubber powder and metakaolin in the repair material is 6%, 0.8%, 8% of themass of sulphoaluminate cement. The maximum compressive strength and bonding strength of the repair mortar can reach 53.8 MPa and 5.2 MPa respectively, and the mass loss rate of freeze-thaw cycle is 2.8%. The results for the microscopic tests of SEM and X-CT showthat the hydrated products of the rapid repair material are relatively homogeneous, the main crystalline phase is small in size, compact in structure and low in porosity, so it has good effect in repairing defects of track base. The study results provide a reference for the popularization and application of similar projects.
Keywords: sulphoaluminate cement;repair material;ballastless track;repair performance;defect
2021, 47(5):145-150,161  收稿日期: 2021-03-22;收到修改稿日期: 2021-04-09
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51778378)
作者简介: 张广兴(1980-),男,河北衡水市人,高级工程师,主要研究方向为高性能混凝土
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