
首页> 数字期刊群 >本期导读>有限元漏磁仿真在异步电机非相邻断条故障检测中的应用


1955    2021-02-07



作者:何荣, 朱敦忠

作者单位:桂林理工大学南宁分校,广西 南宁 530001



传统的电机电流特征分析(motor current signature analysis,MCSA)方法在进行异步电机转子非相邻断条故障诊断时容易出现误检。为此,提出一种基于漏磁检测的异步电机非相邻断条故障诊断方法。首先,在ANSYS@Maxwell-2D软件中对异步电机进行建模,针对电机健康、相邻断条、半极距断条以及全极距断条故障4种不同状态,在采样频率为10 kHz的条件下利用有限元法对电机进行漏磁分析,得出各状态的漏磁频谱。进一步,在相同条件下,利用实验测量得出异步电机定子电流频谱,并与相应的漏磁频谱进行对比。最后,通过频谱对比分析说明漏磁检测方法在异步电机转子非相邻断条故障诊断上的优越性。二维有限元分析与频谱对比分析结果表明:当异步电机转子断条间隔为半极距和全极距时,采用漏磁通频谱中的3sfsfr+sfs等特征信号可对故障进行有效识别;同时,在采用漏磁检测方法进行异步电机非相邻断条故障诊断时,fr+sfs谐波分量与电机负载水平关联性较小,相较于MCSA,漏磁检测方法的鲁棒性较高。所提方法可为异步电机其余电气故障的准确、鲁棒诊断提供参考。

Application of FEA-based magnetic flux leakage simulation in the detection of non-adjacent broken bars fault of induction motors
HE Rong, ZHU Dunzhong
Guilin University of Technology at Nanning, Nanning 530001, China
Abstract: The classical motor current signature analysis (MCSA) method is prone to failure when it is used to diagnose the fault of non-adjacent broken bars of induction motors. Therefore, a magnetic flux leakage-based detection method is proposed in the present study. Firstly, the numerical model of an induction motor was built in ANSYS@Maxwell-2D circumstance. Then, the magnetic flux leakage analysis was carried out under the condition of sampling frequency of 10 kHz in order to obtain the magnetic flux leakage spectrums of the healthy motor and motor with the faults of adjacent broken bars, half pole broken bars and full pole broken bars. Furthermore, under the same condition, the stator current spectrums of the induction motor under each state above were obtained by experiment and compared with the corresponding flux leakage spectrums. Finally, the advantages of magnetic flux leakage detection method were illustrated by the spectrum comparison in the diagnosis of non-adjacent broken bars faults of induction motors. The results of two-dimensional finite element analysis show that the faults of non-adjacent broken bars of induction motors can be effectively identified by utilizing the characteristic harmonics such as 3sfs and fr+sfs in the leakage flux spectrums when the rotor bars break at the distance of half or full pole pitch. At the same time, when the magnetic flux leakage detection method is used to diagnose the non-adjacent broken bar fault of induction motors, the fr+sfs component has little correlation with the external load, which indicates that the magnetic flux leakage detection method is more robust than MCSA. The proposed method can support accurate and robust diagnosis of other electrical faults of induction motors.
Keywords: induction motor;non-adjacent broken bars fault;magnetic flux leakage analysis;finite element simulation
2021, 47(2):87-91  收稿日期: 2020-05-06;收到修改稿日期: 2020-06-12
基金项目: 教育部产学合作协同育人项目(20190229209);广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目(2019KY0305)
作者简介: 何荣(1968-),男,广西玉林市人,高级实验师,研究方向为电气自动化
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