
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于PIC的磁致伸缩位置传感器研究


1798    2020-12-22



作者:赵靖宇1, 梅杰2, 谢代梁1, 曹松晓1, 徐志鹏1, 徐雅1, 刘铁军1

作者单位:1. 中国计量大学计量测试工程学院,浙江 杭州 310018;
2. 浙江省计量科学研究院,浙江 杭州 310013



为能精确地在狭小的空间内测试物体的位置,同时适应恶劣环境,设计出一种基于磁致伸缩效应的短距离位置传感器。采用超低功耗的PIC16f18313单片机作为磁致伸缩位置传感器的控制芯片。波导丝材料选用因脆性高而极少被使用的铁氧体材料。系统以PIC16f18313单片机为核心,产生频率为0.625 MHz的激励脉冲,随后该脉冲通过波导丝进而产生高频扭转波,此波传播到检测线圈转变成回波脉冲。硬件设计部分采用过零检测电路以及74HC02芯片,得到激励脉冲和回波脉冲相结合的PWM波,并将该波形变化成对应电压,通过PIC16f18313单片机自带的模数转换器使变化后的电压转换成相应的高电平信号,最终根据高电平信号的脉宽可以计算出相应的磁环所在位置。采用此方法设计出的位置传感器最大相对误差为8.0%,线性度为1.2%,迟滞性为0.167%。结果表明:该传感器能够精确地测出磁环位置,有利于长期稳定在狭小空间进行测量,可作为实际生产的理论参考。

Research on magnetostrictive position sensor based on PIC
ZHAO Jingyu1, MEI Jie2, XIE Dailiang1, CAO Songxiao1, XU Zhipeng1, XU Ya1, LIU Tiejun1
1. College of Metrology & Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China;
2. Zhejiang Institute of Metrology, Hangzhou 310013, China
Abstract: In order to accurately test the position of an object in a narrow space and adapt to the harsh environment, a non-contact position sensor based on magnetostrictive effect is designed. PIC16f18313 is used as the control chip of magnetostrictive position sensor. The material of waveguide wire is ferrite which is seldom used because of its high brittleness.The system uses PIC16f18313 as the core to generate 0.625 MHz excitation pulse. Then the pulse passes through the waveguide wire and generates a high-frequency torsional wave, which propagates to the detection coil and turns into an echo pulse.In the hardware design part, the zero crossing detection circuit and 74HC02 chip are used to obtain the PWM wave which combines the excitation pulse and the echo pulse, and the wave is changed into corresponding voltage. The changing voltage is converted into corresponding high level signal by the ADC of PIC16f18313 microcontroller. Finally, according to the pulse width of the high level signal, the position of the magnetic ring can be calculated. The maximum relative error, linearity and hysteresis of the position sensor are 8.0%, 1.2% and 0.167% respectively. The results show that the sensor can accurately measure the position of magnetic ring, which is conducive to long-term stable measurement in a narrow space, and can be used as a theoretical reference for practical production..
Keywords: magnetostriction;position sensor;ferrite materials;PIC microcontroller
2020, 46(12):33-38  收稿日期: 2020-08-15;收到修改稿日期: 2020-09-14
作者简介: 赵靖宇(1996-),男,浙江诸暨市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为磁致伸缩位置传感器及其应用
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