
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>可调速驱动设备暂态电压扰动耐受能力快速评估方法


1592    2020-07-22



作者:周凯, 郭倩雯, 栾乐, 许中

作者单位:广东电网有限责任公司广州供电局电力试验研究院,广东 广州 510420



评估ASD的扰动耐受能力是对其开展治理工作的关键,但现有标准中提出的方案测试步骤数繁多,测试周期长,可能引入被测设备性能恶化带来的误差进而影响测试结果。该文基于ASD对暂态电压扰动响应机理的研究,构建ASD对扰动响应的解析模型,结合少量测试可实现对ASD的电压耐受曲线(voltage tolerance curve, VTC)轮廓的评估,将ASD测试的工作量减少50%以上,并通过实验测试验证评估结果的合理性与有效性。最后,对基于该文方法评估结果的改进型VTC测试策略进行研究,通过实验对比体现改进方案的有效性。

Fast evaluation method of transient voltage disturbance tolerance of adjustable speed drive
ZHOU Kai, GUO Qianwen, LUAN Le, XU Zhong
Electric Power Test Research Institute of Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510420, China
Abstract: To evaluate the disturbance tolerance of ASD is the key to improve its tolerance. However, the number of test steps proposed in the existing standards is numerous, and the test cycle is long, which affects equipment performance and test results. Based on the research of ASD's response mechanism to transient voltage disturbance, this paper constructs an analytical model of ASD's response to disturbance. This model can be used to evaluate the profile of voltage tolerance curve (VTC) of ASD with a few tests. Experimental tests are carried out to verify the rationality and effectiveness of the proposed method. Finally, the improved VTC test strategy based on the evaluation results of the method in this paper is studied, and the effectiveness of the improved scheme is demonstrated through the experimental comparison.
Keywords: voltage sag;short interruption;adjustable speed drive;voltage tolerance curve;response mechanism
2020, 46(7):75-82  收稿日期: 2020-06-13;收到修改稿日期: 2020-06-29
基金项目: 南方电网公司科技项目(GZHKJXM20170141)
作者简介: 周凯(1993-),男,湖北黄冈市人,工程师,硕士,研究方向为电能质量和电力系统智能技术
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