
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>一种倾斜式中小推力火箭发动机试车架设计


2034    2020-05-27



作者:佟显义, 徐微, 胡广, 陈祎航, 唐学来, 高博, 汤崭

作者单位:沈阳航天新光集团有限公司第一研究室, 辽宁 沈阳 110043




Design of a tilting test frame for small and medium-sized thrust rocket engine
TONG Xianyi, XU Wei, HU Guang, CHEN Yihang, TANG Xuelai, GAO Bo, TANG Zhan
First Research Studio, Shenyang Aerospace Xinguang Group Co., Shenyang 110043, China
Abstract: Rocket engine hot commissioning tests are conducted in the test frame, but the present test frame has some shortcomings, such as large area, complex and high construction cost, not suitable for small and medium-sized thrust rocket engine test. To solve those problems, a designing scheme for a tilting small and medium-sized thrust rocket engine test frame with simple operation and low cost was proposed. A simply supported frame structure was utilized for the test frame, and the designing scheme was perfected by strength simulating. A thrust sensor equipped with stable performance was matched according to engineering experience. Gas diversion trench that matches the test frame was designed by conducting the fluid simulation (CFD) of rocket engine to stimulate the gas plume flow field. After the installation and debugging of test frame, the rocket engine heat run test was carried out, and the results show that the thrust axis deviation of rocket engine meets the specification, and the thrust sensor test is normal.
Keywords: rocket engine;test frame;diversion trench
2020, 46(5):143-147  收稿日期: 2019-11-06;收到修改稿日期: 2020-01-03
基金项目: 装备预研航天科工联合基金项目(6141B070603)
作者简介: 佟显义(1986-),男,辽宁沈阳市人,工程师,主要从事火箭发动机设计及试验技术研究
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