
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于纤维蛋白原活性的红花注射液抗凝血谱-效关系研究


3130    2019-02-28



作者:徐玉玲1, 贺桢翔1, 刘钱2, 曾奇璐1, 曹鑫1, 吕海洋1, 刘涛1

作者单位:1. 成都大学药学与生物工程学院, 四川 成都 610106;
2. 成都大学四川抗菌素工业研究所, 四川 成都 610052



通过生物活性检测结合化学指纹图谱分析,探索红花注射液抗凝血活性成分。以红花注射液为研究对象,测定7批红花注射液的指纹图谱和抗凝血活性值,再基于Statistical Product and Service Solutions软件,运用主成分分析-相关性分析-多重线性回归的分析方法对抗凝血活性值和色谱指纹图谱数据建立谱-效回归评价模型,另取6批红花注射液对模型进行验证。纳入模型的6个自变量对抗凝血活性能力的影响均具有统计学意义(P<0.05),预测值和实测值的相对误差均在10%以内。建立的谱-效回归模型可较好地通过红花注射液图谱数据评价其抗凝血生物活性。

Study on the spectrum-effect relationship of anticoagulant activity of safflower injection based on fibrinogen activity
XU Yuling1, HE Zhenxiang1, LIU Qian2, ZENG Qilu1, CAO Xin1, L&#220; Haiyang1, LIU Tao1
1. College of Pharmacy and Biological Engineering, Chengdu University, Chengdu 610106, China;
2. Sichuan Industrial Institute of Antibiotics, Chengdu University, Chengdu 610052, China
Abstract: Bioactivity detection combined with chemical fingerprint analysis, to explore the anticoagulant active components of safflower injection. Take safflower injection as the research object, fingerprint and anticoagulant activity of 7 batches of safflower injection were determined,based on the Statistical Product and Service Solutions software,using principal component analysis-correlation analysis-multiple linear regression analysis, a spectrum-effect regression evaluation model was established for anticoagulant activity and chromatographic fingerprint data, six batches of safflower injection were used to verify the model. All the 6 independent variables included in the model had a statistically significant effect on anticoagulant activity (P<0.05), the relative error between predicted value and measured value is less than 10%. The established spectrum-effect regression model can be used to evaluate the anticoagulant activity of safflower injection.
Keywords: safflower injection;fingerprints;anticoagulant activity;regression model;spectrum-effect relationship
2019, 45(2):59-63,77  收稿日期: 2018-07-17;收到修改稿日期: 2018-09-07
基金项目: 四川省科技厅2018年科技项目(2018ZR0107,2018TJPT0049)
作者简介: 徐玉玲(1975-),女,云南曲靖市人,副教授,硕士,从事中成药新药开发与再评价研究
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