
首页> 数字期刊群 >本期导读>高温条件下薄壁圆柱筒高速碰撞试验


3744    2018-10-29



作者:徐伟芳1,2, 张方举1,2, 胡文军1,2, 胡绍全1,2, 李上明1,2, 陈军红1,2, 孙爱军1,2, 吕明1,2

作者单位:1. 中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所, 四川 绵阳 621999;
2. 工程材料与结构冲击振动四川省重点实验室, 四川 绵阳 621999




Study on high velocity impact experiment of thin cylinders at elevated temperature

XU Weifang1,2, ZHANG Fangju1,2, HU Wenjun1,2, HU Shaoquan1,2, LI Shangming1,2, CHEN Junhong1,2, SUN Aijun1,2, LÜ Ming1,2

1. Insititute of System Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621999, China;
2. Shock and Vibration of Engineering Material and Structures Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Mianyang 621999, China

Abstract: In order to study the high velocity impact responses of thin cylinders with sealed end at elevated temperatures, the impact experiment techniques at high temperature were studied by combination of theory method and experiment method. The issues of heating, insulating, impact velocity and gesture controlling were studied. Missile-borne heater was produced based on subcalibre technique and heating technique, which was not used to heat and insulate the sample, but also to accelerate the sample and to control the gesture. The temperature was measured by indirect method. The gesture was monitored by high speed photography. The following could be concluded from the studies on cylinder normally impacting on rigid target. The impact end was upset while the other end was contracted. Both ends subsided, and the cave depth of impact end was smaller than the opposite end. At lateral impact, the deformation of cylinder was like a saddle with a flat impacting side. At oblique impact, the impacting end became a wedge while the other end subsided. When the strength and rigidity became smaller, the deformation became larger, and the cylinder collapsed with many folds.

Keywords: high temperature;high velocity;impact;thin cylinder

2018, 1900-02-12(10): 50-54  收稿日期: 2018-06-03;收到修改稿日期: 2018-07-12

基金项目: 国家科学自然基金(11602257)

作者简介: 徐伟芳(1974-),男,四川绵阳市人,副研究员,博士,主要从事材料和结构冲击动力学响应研究


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