
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>对JJG 229检定规程检定方法差错的实验验证

对JJG 229检定规程检定方法差错的实验验证

3216    2016-06-29



作者:付志勇1, 廖艳1, 陈桂生1, 刘旭栋2, 朱育红1, 赵晶1

作者单位:1. 中国测试技术研究院, 四川 成都 610021;
2. 中国人民解放军第5719工厂, 四川 彭州 611936



依据JJG 2292010《工业铂、铜热电阻》检定规程规定的条件和方法,采用两支标称电阻值(Rtp)为25的标准铂电阻温度计作标准,多支Pt100型工业铂热电阻作被检样品,两个不同准确度的测量仪器,完成两种检定方法比较试验。试验时标准器分别用自测Rtp值和上级证书值,用比较法完成对工业铂热电阻的检定。从结果可以看出:用自测标准Rtp值检定,增加的结果偏差是用上级证书值的5倍以上,表明标准器由从本级标准装置赋值开展检定是不科学的,其效果可能南辕北辙。

Experimental validation for error verification method in JJG 229 verification regulation

FU Zhiyong1, LIAO Yan1, CHEN Guisheng1, LIU Xudong2, ZHU Yuhong1, ZHAO Jing1

1. National Institute of Measurement and Testing Techology, Chengdu 610021, China;
2. PLA No. 5719 Factory, Pengzhou 611936, China

Abstract: According to the conditions and methods of the verification regulation JJG 229——2010 for industrial platinum thermal resistance, a comparative test was performed for two verification methods with 2 standard platinum resistance thermometers with 25Ω(Rtp) nominal resistance value as regulator, several industrial Pt100 platinum resistances as test samples, and 2 measuring instruments of different accuracy ratings. In the test, the regulator with self-test Rtp value and higher certificate value was applied to complete the verification of industrial platinum resistance based on comparison method. The results obtained from the instrument used in the test indicate that the error increased from the verification with the self-test standard Rtp value is more than five times that of the higher certificate value, which proves that regulator assigned by the equipment at the same level to carry out verification is unscientific and its effect may be poles apart.

Keywords: temperature metrology;verification regulations;resistance thermometer;standard platinum resistance thermometer;triple point of water;error

2016, 42(6): 19-22,28  收稿日期: 2016-01-07;收到修改稿日期: 2016-02-27


作者简介: 付志勇(1971-),男,重庆市人,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事温度计量检测及标准研究。


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