
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>合成天然气标准物质的原料气纯度分析


2605    2016-06-29



作者:马浩淼, 吴海, 胡树国, 王德发

作者单位:中国计量科学研究院, 北京 100029



利用称量法对天然气标准物质进行定值时,需要获得各原料气的纯度,以建立定值结果的计量溯源性。采用高纯氦气将纯气样品稀释为0.01 mol/mol的二元混合气体,通过分析二元混合气中目标杂质,可以获得纯气样品中相应杂质的含量。这样可以解决色谱分析纯气样品时主峰掩盖邻近关键杂质峰的问题,并可以减小基体效应对测量结果的影响。通过分析纯气样品和稀释纯气样品相结合的方法,获得甲烷、乙烷、丙烷、异丁烷、正丁烷、新戊烷、异戊烷、正戊烷和正己烷9种原料气的纯度信息。

Purity analysis of source gases for preparing synthetic natural gas reference materials

MA Haomiao, WU Hai, HU Shuguo, WANG Defa

National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China

Abstract: The purity data of the pure source gases is necessary for establishing the metrological traceability when developing synthetic natural gas reference materials by using gravimetric method. The pure source gases were diluted by using high purity helium to produce binary mixtures of around 0.01 mol/mol. The interested impurities in the binary mixtures were measured and the results were used to calculate the corresponding impurity concentrations in the pure gas sample. By using this technique, the problems caused by overlapping of impurity by the major component over GC chromatogram and by matrix effect could be resolved. Purity data of 9 alkanes including methane, ethane, propane, i-butane, n-butane, neo-pentane, i-pentane, n-pentane, and n-hexane was obtained by GC analysis of both pure gas and corresponding binary mixtures.

Keywords: natural gas;purity analysis;gas chromatography;binary mixtures

2016, 42(6): 46-49,64  收稿日期: 2015-10-18;收到修改稿日期: 2015-12-14

基金项目: 中国计量科学研究院基本科研业务费项目(28-AKY1327-13,28-AKY1220)

作者简介: 马浩淼(1981-),男,甘肃天水市人,工程师,硕士,主要从事气体标准物质研制及气体分析计量工作。


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