
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>川西茶区土壤营养元素背景值研究


2419    2016-01-22



作者:谭和平1, 陈能武2, 黄苹2, 叶善蓉1

作者单位:1. 中国测试技术研究院, 四川成都 610021;
2. 四川省农科院茶叶研究所, 四川成都 610066

关键词:川西; 茶园土壤; 营养元素; 背景值



Study on nutritive elements background of soil in tea garden in the West of Sichuan

TAN He-ping1, CHEN Neng-wu2, HUANG Ping2, YE Shan-rong1

1. National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China;
2. Institute of Tea, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Science, Chengdu 610066, China

Abstract: By using the ICP-AES, the contents of 17 kinds of nutritive elements had been mensurated for the soil of 188 tea gardens in 25 counties or sections in west of Sichuan, the characters of the backgrounds of nutritive elements had been emphasized.The result showed that the contents of V、Se and S were enrichment relatively, the coefficient of enrichment were 1.51, 5.67 and 27.3 respectively.S、P、K、Mg、Ca、Fe and Ti were all inadequate evidently.The contents of other elements such as Al、Mn、B etc.were corresponded to the background of soil in China.The backgrounds of nutritive elements had some difference because of the different soil type.The backgrounds of Al、S、Fe、V、B、Zn and Co had very evident difference for the different soil type.The backgrounds of Ti、Mo、Ni and Se had also evident difference.The contents of B and Co were highest in the yellow soil, Ca、Mn、Zn and Ni were highest in the acidic-purple soil, Al、Sb and Se were in the umber soil, the others were highest in the clay soil.

Keywords: West of Sichuan; The soil of tea garden; Nutritive elements; Background

2005, 31(4): 1-4  收稿日期: 2005-4-12;收到修改稿日期: 2005-5-18

基金项目: 四川省科技攻关项目(03NG001-007)

作者简介: 谭和平(1957-),男,重庆丰都人,研究员,从事茶树育种、生理生化研究。


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