
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>非接触式车轮定位仪测量原理及其标定


2265    2016-01-22



作者:何平, 傅培强

作者单位:南昌江铃陆风汽车有限责任公司质量部, 江西南昌 330044

关键词:车轮定位参数; 非接触式车轮定位仪; 测量原理; 标定方法



Measurement principle and calibration method of non-contact wheel aligner

HE Ping, FU Pei-qiang

Jiangling Landwind Motors Co. , Ltd. , Nanchang 330044, China

Abstract: This paper gives a brief statement on the definition of wheel alignment parameters, deduces the calculation formulas of Toe and Camber(Measurement Principles)from the measuring processes using FNCA Non-Contact Wheel Aligner, analyses the calibrating method about the facility of this kind, introduces the calibration processes and the traceability system for the equipment' s master gage by means of the Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), calculates the master gage' s toe angles & camber angles with the measurement data. Results showed:if the parallelism of the four convex pads attached on every adjust plate are all less than 0.05mm, the master gage can then meet the needs of that it is as the measurement standard of FNCA Non-Contact Wheel Aligner.

Keywords: Wheel alignment parameters; Non-contact wheel aligner; Measurement principle; Calibration method

2005, 31(5): 37-39,120  收稿日期: 2005-1-12;收到修改稿日期: 2005-3-5


作者简介: 何平(1963-),女,高级工程师,主要从事整车安全性能检测线的校准工作。


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